Project Accomplishments

By following the guiding principles of project prioritization, fostering multi-jurisdictional relationships, and supporting legislative agendas that advance the goals of the I-35W Solutions Alliance, a host of accomplishments and projects have been realized.

History of Accomplishments

2011 – 2013

  • Annually reevaluate and update the Solutions Alliance Transpiration Priorities.
  • Increased organizational transparency through its updated Website.
  • Supported BRT “Red Line “on Cedar Ave (Apple Valley to Mall of America) that is now operating.
  • Supported 494 Auxiliary lanes from 35W to 100.
  • Supported construction of Highways 5/13 interchange now underway.
  • Supports Lake Street Transit Station to facilitate BRT “Orange Line” on I-35W from Lakeville to downtown Minneapolis. Project now in predesign phase. Estimated completion date 2018.
  • Support reconstruction of I-494/I-35W interchange. Project now in pre-design phase.
  • Support development of the American Blvd Transit Station to facilitate implementation of the Orange Line BRT.
  • Initiated meeting to bring together the 26 transportation corridor groups from across the state to organize and build support for a financial solution to Minnesota’s transportation challenges.


  • Promoted, facilitated and monitored Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA).
  • Monitored activities and funding associated with the I-35W bridge collapse.
  • Supported override of Governor’s veto and passage of Ch. 152 that authorized new revenues to meet transportation needs including increases in gas tax and tab fees, wheelage tax, metro area sales tax, bonding, and change in CSAH formula, the most significant transportation finance bill in 20 years.
  • Supported concomitant expansion of services and the Transit Taxing District.
  • Supported dedicated transit lanes and construction of BRT stations on I-35W as part of UPA.
  • Supported addition of a lane for BRT on Hwy 62 from Hwy 77 to Portland Ave.
  • Supported funding for the planning and construction of a new interchange at 118th Street to replace the Cliff and Blackdog Road interchanges.
  • Supported the addition of two lanes on I-35W from Burnsville Parkway south to Hwy 70.
  • Supported a transit station and park and ride lot with capacity for at least 450 vehicles on I-35W between Hwys 46 and 50.
  • Legislation using funds appropriated to MnDOT for such purposes.
  • Recognized for its role in organizing local government officials along I-35W to support selection of I-35W for funding under the Urban Partnership Agreement.
  • Recognized that the strength of The I-35W Solutions Alliance was a factor in selecting the corridor
  • Supported congestion mitigation projects that improve traffic flow and can be accomplished without for UPA funding.
  • Supported legislation approving Minnesota’s financial commitment to funding the UPA.
  • Supported congestion mitigation projects that improve traffic flow and can be accomplished without legislation using funds appropriated to MnDOT for such purposes.
  • Recognized for its role in organizing local government officials along I-35W to support selection of I-35W for funding under the Urban Partnership Agreement.
  • Recognized that the strength of the I-35W Solutions Alliance was a factor in selecting the corridor for UPA funding.
  • Supported legislation approving Minnesota’s financial commitment to funding the UPA.
  • The I-35W Solutions Alliance was recognized in the national evaluation of the Minnesota Urban Partnership Agreement as having played a critical role in the process of gaining consensus on an application and obtaining support from the legislature and governor


  • Supported passage of $1 billion transportation funding bill that was vetoed.
  • Participated in coalition Minnesotans for Better Roads and Transit.
  • Advocated and supported $350 million reconstruction of the I-35W and Hwy 62 commons area and related improvements.


  • Monitored lake Street project in Minneapolis including I-35W north of 46th Street.
  • Supported Cedar Avenue bus way from Mall of America to Apple Valley and Lakeville.
  • Supported and monitored completion of the BRT study on I-35W from Lakeville to downtown Minneapolis, and facilitated planning and implementation of BRT in this corridor.
  • Continued coalition building by working with the Itasca Group and Senator Murphy’s Working Groups to promote transportation issues.
  • Advocated for gas tax, tab fee and sales tax increases to fund transportation.


  • Supported funding to build HOV lanes and bypass ramps on CR 60 and CR 70 and Hwy 35 in Lakeville and north to Hwy 13.
  • Worked to eliminate lights and crossings on Hwy 169 between 1-494 and Minnesota River.
  • Supported reconstruction of Hwy 13 between Hwy 169 and I-35W.
  • Supported funding for and reconstruction of the I-35W/Hwy 62 Crosstown commons and provided a venue to resolve issues among members, MnDOT and the Metropolitan Council.
  • Participated in the Metropolitan Council’s Transportation Demand Management organization.
  • Supported change in law to temporarily allow use of highway trust funds for transit to alleviate congestion during reconstruction of a major project.
  • Supported 5 cent gas tax increase dedicated to the highway user trust fund.
  • Supported funding to build HOV lanes on I-35W between CR 70 and Hwy 13.
  • Supported high-speed bus service on I-35W beginning at CR 46 in Dakota County to downtown Minneapolis.
  • Supported construction of a new bridge over CR 60 at I-35W.
  • Created Web site intended to be the portal for questions about transportation issues.
  • Worked with other organizations to determine if TDM and congestion pricing would help alleviate congestion in the I-35W corridor.
  • Co-sponsored ‘Summit on Congestion’ in cooperation with the 494 Commission and other organizations.
  • Updated, revised and distributed the 1996 White Paper entitled “A Critical Need: Funding for Minnesota Highways and Transit.
  • Began hosting transportation forums in election years for all legislative candidates within the I-35W catchment area.


  • Initiated and promulgated the concept of balanced funding for roads and transit.
  • Continued support for adequate funding for mass transit.
  • Supported a dedicated source of non-property tax funding for transit.
  • Continued support and monitoring of funding for local bridges.
  • Supported funding to build the mega-projects, particularly the rebuilding of I-35W.
  • Organized a transportation summit in 1996 and presented the white paper “A Critical Need: Funding for Minnesota Highways and Transit,” which proposed funding alternatives including a gas tax and a dedicated transportation fund in the metro area supported by a sales tax.
  • In 1997 served as the honest broker to bring together competing highway and transit advocates (25 organizations) to find common ground and form a united front for funding.
  • Spearheaded cooperation between various other organizations promoting transportation interests such as Minnesota Chamber, Minneapolis Chamber, Bloomington Chamber, Transportation Alliance, Associated General Contractors and Highway Construction Industry Council.
  • Supported light rail transit in the Hiawatha corridor.
  • Contractually included St. Louis Park and Edina in managing feasibility study of commuter rail on the Dan Patch line.
  • Supported expansion of additional lanes, bus ways and other measures to improve traffic flow in the I-35W corridor.
  • Monitored and supported construction of express lanes from 46th Street to 1-94 on I-35W.
  • Supported transit and HOV improvements to 1-494.
  • Worked with Metropolitan Council, MnDOT and municipalities to ensure proper siting and construction of transit stations along I-35W.
  • Supported development of and connection among the Hiawatha Corridor and the Cedar Avenue Transit way.
  • Supported funding to build HOV lanes, HOV bypass ramps and metered access along I-35W from Lakeville to 1-94 for both north and south bound traffic.
  • Supported high speed bus service along I-35W and transit stations at 46th, 66th, 82nd, 98th and Lake Streets.
  • Opposed reduction in tab fees and the loss of $150 million in trunk highway funds.
  • Organized and participated in coalition of transit and highway advocates to include $144 million for transportation and transit in the 1998 Transportation and Public Safety Finance and Capital Bonding bills, providing the first significant new money for roads and bridges in 10 years and authorizing building the first light rail line in Minnesota.
  • Supported increased transit and highway capacity in the Hiawatha/Cedar Avenue corridor to relieve congestion and improve traffic flow on I-35W.
  • Sought funding to rebuild the I-35W and 1-494 interchange.
  • Supported construction of a new bridge over I-35W at Hwy 70 in Lakeville.
  • Supported traffic flow improvements in Hwy 169 corridor to relieve congestion on I-35W.
  • Opposed development of personal rapid transit along I-35W.