Active and Recent Projects on the Corridor
Guiding Principles for Priority Projects
- Improve safety by reducing crashes and fatalities in the corridor through key investments that reduce bottlenecks; reduce conflicts; provide and/or enhance transit (shift users to safer modes) and improve operations/management (lane controls).
- Optimize existing and planned investments by supporting projects that can more fully use existing infrastructure capacity.
- Transit and multimodal investments that develop transit services and stations that can enhance travel options, as well as more fully use investment in the managed lane system.
- Promote projects that enhance travel reliability as well as provide more user choice in terms of routes and modes.
- Promote projects that balance access (i.e., reduce conflicts and improve safety) as well as encourage Transit Oriented Development (TOD).
- Support projects that provide larger benefits to the corridor and/or region.
- Projects should have local support to be considered as a coalition priority.